Self-Werk Matters: How to Plan for More Success in Your Emotional Health


Your emotional health is just as important as your physical well-being. As you move on your journey to become the best version of yourself, it’s essential to learn to control your emotions because your emotional state influences how you respond and interact with the world around you. It can also play a factor in how confidently you take on new challenges and positively interact with others.

Often, you can neglect your emotional health due to time pressures or because you are too busy focusing on the negatives in your life. However, assessing and improving your emotional health can lead to improved self-confidence, better relationships, and greater life satisfaction.

Do you find it challenging to make the time and space for self-care, or do you feel selfish when you do something for yourself? You’re not alone. As a woman, you may have been raised to put the needs of others before your own, but this mindset can significantly impact your success.

Incorporating healthy habits to improve your emotional health takes WERK. However, the rewards are worth it because you deserve to feel in your power and at peace.  To create more space to achieve more goals, you must invest the time and effort necessary to develop the emotional wellness you desire.

Taking the time to plan for more success in your emotional health can help you reach new heights in your career and life. Another added benefit is that by making an effort to take care of your emotional health, you can improve your life and those around you too.

Healthy emotional well-being requires you to prioritize your mental health and take actionable consistent steps. We got you if you're ready to take action by nurturing your emotional health so you can operate from a peak emotional state. Here are some tips to get you started toward living your best life!

Understand Your Triggers

It is essential to recognize and understand what triggers your negative emotions. Keeping a journal or diary detailing any problematic experiences and the feelings that came with them can help you figure out which situations have the most potential to set off your anxiety or depression. Once you have identified these triggers, you can develop strategies for coping with them in healthy ways. This process includes finding relaxation and stress relief methods that work for you and avoiding people or places that may trigger negative emotions.

Practicing Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness can help you live with intention and stay present in each moment. Taking each moment head-on and showering it with your full attention makes you more aware of your surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Consistent mindful practice makes it much easier to recognize and understand yourself and those around you much better.

Practicing mindfulness can help you build more peace within, allowing you to gain greater clarity about yourself and your true purpose. By reflecting on how your inner states influence outer experiences, you can discover surprising benefits that foster healthy well-being and positive development of both your mental and physical faculties.

Mindful practices such as breathing techniques and intentional acknowledgment of anxieties are powerful tools for achieving greater self-awareness. With daily application, you may even notice exponential growth in positivity, thus magnifying your capacity for life.

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Your Emotional Health

When it comes to your emotional wellness, developing healthy coping mechanisms is essential. Whenever fear strikes or defensive feelings generate anxiety and insecurity, pause, breathe deep, and find ways to calm yourself down and gain perspective.

Once you identify stressors in your life, you can recognize what underlying factors that resurface when you’re feeling down or anxious. Take time to consider the situations that trigger strong emotions, and determine particular behaviors or tactics you will use when those feelings arise. These action plans can help you disrupt patterns with positive and long-lasting habits.

The WERK you do to allow your emotions to pass through your body instead of building up until you explode or implode pricelessly.  By creating positive reactions, you will see that the negative feelings begin to fade. The key to making progress in this area is figuring out how to cope in the moments that matter most to maintain control of your emotions.

We recommend taking a very proactive approach to managing your emotional life by putting yourself in the driver's seat. Exploring new hobbies, seeking professional help, writing out emotions, or learning to be aware when stress looms are minor adjustments that can translate into significant results over time.

Commit to Being Open to Honest Conversations

Having honest conversations can be intimidating, but it's an essential piece of life that leads to growth. Commit to diving in when the opportunity arises by being willing to share, open up and listen. Times will come when saying your genuine thoughts and feelings don’t come easily, but it gets easier with each step.

As you push yourself past your comfort zones of insecurity and fear, you can improve your ability to speak freely, even if it means defying conventional expectations or perspectives. Stepping beyond entertaining small talk and pursuing meaningful human connection with others can lead to true honesty and depth, which can be refreshing. 

Authentic conversations where both sides give respect can create an opportunity to understand yourself on new levels. It can also open the door to building more meaningful relationships with those around you. Hold yourself accountable for honoring transparency to uncover truths you never knew before.

Be Kind To Yourself

Engaging in positive self-talk can help combat feelings of worthlessness or low self-esteem. Speaking kindly to yourself – instead of dwelling on the negative things about yourself can build your confidence and improve your mental health.

It is essential to take time each day for yourself—whether taking a walk, reading a book, listening to music, or anything else that brings peace and joy into your life. Also, focus on your strengths and celebrate even small successes. This type of self-care is an integral part of being emotionally healthy.

Find Support/Find Your Emotional Support System

Surrounding yourself with supportive people who understand your struggles can make it easier for you to manage life. There is comfort in talking with friends or family members who have gone through similar experiences, which can be incredibly helpful in managing difficult emotions.

Finding an emotional support system that works for you can help with planning for more success with your emotional health. Whether it’s family, close friends, or professional help – having someone who will listen to you and provide unbiased, supportive advice when needed is invaluable.

When creating this support system, bring people into your close circle that genuinely support your goals and aspirations. Find people that tell you the truth even when it hurts but are there to cheer you on when things get tough. 

Set Aside Time for Self-Care

It can be easy to get caught up in your responsibilities and forget about taking care of yourself emotionally. That’s why it’s essential to set aside time daily to focus on self-care activities that help reduce stress levels and foster a sense of peace within yourself. These can include meditation, journaling, reading books, listening to music or podcasts, etc.  getting enough sleep,

Get Moving

Believe it or not, exercise can help you manage your emotional health. It increases endorphins which boost mood and energy levels throughout the day. It can also release negative emotions from work or other areas of life. Physical activity doesn’t have to be hardcore. If that’s not your style, find ways to move your body that WERK for your life.

Taking control of your emotional health is an ongoing process–but it’s worth investing in to become the woman you want to be in this world. Practicing kindness towards yourself, recognizing triggers, engaging in self-care activities, and finding support can set you up for success in managing your emotional well-being.

I have seen the benefits of making an effort to focus on the positives each day. I live with gratitude and appreciation for small achievements up to the big ones. I celebrate it all, which helps lift my mood and gives me more space to be open for more good things to come into my life.

With the right tools and resources, you can make strides towards improved emotional wellness not just today but every day. Planning for more success in your emotional health is vital to achieving more personal and professional goals.

Investing in yourself should always come first. If you are ready to start your Self-Werk journey, we’d love to help you uplevel your life so you can make the most significant impact in your world. You can reach your goals faster when you connect to a network to keep you accountable while empowering you along the way. Our WerkCircle Membership will give you access to the resources, community, and experts (mostly BIPOC) who can help you make life-changing transformations aligned with your dreams. Find out how to join us here.

Cheers to building your Queendom!



Ashton Lynne