What do you do?

We host offline, online, and in-person experiences to provide the inspiration, support, and resources women need to push past their emotional blocks and fears so they can have more success.

Who can join your experiences?

Our events are open to women who are looking for support and empowerment. If you are looking for uplifting experiences where you can meet like-minded women on a mission to live their best life, we’d love to meet you!


What does the word Self-Werk mean?

In order to create the life you want, you have to heal from your trauma. Self-Werk is what some people call self-development. It’s the WERK you do to create a life that you will love. It’s a journey and process that is so worth it!

What is the Queendom Moves™ Academy?

It’s a special place where women get access to coaching, mentoring, and courses to support their journey.


How can I get involved?

We are always looking for lady bosses to join our movement. Please contact us to find out more about our volunteer, mentor, and speaking opportunities.

Where are you based?

We are based in Austin, Texas. However, our WERK extends far beyond the Lone Star State.


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