15 Powerful Tips to Plan for More Success in Your Professional Growth


As a woman striving for more success, developing and sticking to a plan to help you achieve professional growth is important. Whether in the workforce or owning a business, taking proactive steps toward your goals can help you reach your full potential. 

It’s no secret that women face unique challenges due to living in an inequitable society. However, this doesn’t mean we must give up on our dreams or settle for less than what we deserve. Striving for success is possible when you combine discipline and planning with the right tools to support you in unlocking your potential.

You may already be aware that setting realistic expectations and accepting failure as a learning opportunity is essential during this process, but there are more things you can do. This article will discuss my top 15 tips for achieving professional growth goals.

Get Clear On What Professional Growth Looks Like for You

The first step to achieving success in your professional life is to get clear on what you want. Once you have a good understanding of what you want, you can start planning for it. To get the process started, reflect on the following:

  • What kind of career or business do you want to have? 

  • What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? 

  • What are your goals and objectives? 

  • Do you want to get promoted or build a team? 

Set Goals

Setting tangible goals is n big step in creating more success. Set goals using the SMART method: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. This method can help you stay motivated and increase your likelihood of achieving your desired goals. 

“To help you stay focused on your goals and continue taking action towards them, reflect your progress each week, celebrate your WINS, and adjust your plan as needed.” - Ashton Lynne Rondon. 

Plan Ahead 

Once you have established your goals, it’s time to plan how best to achieve them. The best way to do this is by breaking each goal into smaller tasks. This step can make the goal seem less daunting, increasing motivation levels, making progress easier to track, and staying organized and focused.

As you plan, include both short-term and long-term actions. I recommend outlining when each task needs to be completed. These deadlines can guide and provide structure. You will be able to see where gaps you need to fill to make more progress.  

Remember to include flexibility in your planning; as your circumstances change, so should your plan. Block your calendar for a dedicated time each week to work on projects related to achieving these goals. This WERK can ensure that sufficient focus remains on these tasks.

Take Action

Once you have your plan, you’re ready to take action toward achieving your goals. Success requires hard work and dedication. Remember that persistence pays off in the end. Don't give up if you encounter setbacks or challenges. 

Be Patient

Patience and persistence can be your partners when pursuing your goals. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your success won’t be built in a day. Give yourself the space to achieve your goals trusting the process and learning the lessons. Have unshakeable faith that if you put in the WERK, discipline, and focus, eventually, you will reach the level of success you desire.

Celebrate Achievements   

Making time to celebrate along the way can help you build confidence, leading to bigger successes. So yes, acknowledge your achievements as they occur (no matter how small) to help reinforce positive behavior. The momentum you build from crossing or checking things off your life can increase your motivation for achieving future goals. 

Seek Out Mentors and Role Models

One of the best ways to achieve success is to seek out mentors and role models who have already achieved what you want to achieve. These individuals can provide actionable tips to help you stay on track and focused on your professional growth and success. They can also help hold you accountable and keep you motivated.

Develop Your Skills

 Increasing your knowledge is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success in your professional life. When you know what you want to achieve, include space in your schedule to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to get where you want to be. Investing in classes and certificate programs can broaden your skill set and give you valuable connections and resources.

“Don't wait for opportunities; go out and find them yourself. Be confident in your abilities, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.” - Ashton Lynne Rondon 

Be Flexible

Flexibility is vital in today's modern world. Be open to new opportunities and willing to change direction if necessary. When you face changes, don't be afraid; embrace them and use the lesson you learn to strengthen you. 

Prioritize Time Management Skills

Time management skills are essential in all areas of life, but they are extremely important when striving for success. An organized schedule can reduce stress, improve overall productivity, and ensure all your tasks are completed on time. 

Make sure you use your time wisely by setting priorities and deadlines for yourself. Learn how to say "no" when necessary so you can focus on what is most important at any given moment.

Dress for Success

Your appearance says a lot about you, so dress appropriately for the professional career you want to create. Your clothes should be well-fitting and clean and reflect the image you want to project. Invest in some quality clothing that makes you look professional and polished.  

Set Realistic Expectations

Setting achievable goals can help you stay motivated and committed throughout the journey toward success. It is important to have realistic expectations of yourself and the results you will get from your efforts. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and frustration if they are not achieved. 

Build Your Network

Networking is one of the most effective ways to further your career because building a strong network of like-minded people can open up new opportunities for growth and collaboration. You can expand your circle by joining professional organizations, attending industry events, and utilizing social media. Building relationships with your connections can help you find a job, advance in your career, grow your business, and learn about new opportunities. 

Leverage Technology & Automation 

Whether you are an avid tech user, we can all agree that technology has made our lives easier. More than ever, utilizing automated systems can help you stay organized and efficient as you manage life. Whenever possible, seek out tools to streamline processes to free up time so that more energy can be focused on achieving success faster. 

Accept Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failure is inevitable when striving toward success. It’s part of the journey, so instead of seeing failure as a sign of defeat, try looking at it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Reflecting on what went wrong and what can be done differently can help you better prepare for similar situations. 

Planning for success as a woman in today’s world is crucial. From getting clear about what you want to create, setting clear objectives, breaking goals down into smaller tasks, through celebrating successes along the way—these steps give you a roadmap for getting results. 

With the right strategies, preparing for a successful professional career is possible. 

Take care of yourself during this journey, and seek support from people who understand women's challenges in building their businesses or climbing the corporate ladder.

Investing in yourself should always come first. If you are ready to start your Self-Werk journey, we’d love to help you uplevel your life so you can make the most significant impact in your world. You can reach your goals faster when you connect to a network to keep you accountable while empowering you along the way. Our WerkCircle Membership will give you access to the resources, community, and experts (mostly BIPOC) who can help you make life-changing transformations aligned with your dreams. Find out how to join us here.

Cheers to building your Queendom!


Ashton Lynne